GRACE Science Team Meeting
Oct 13-14, 2005, Austin, Texas

Thursday, Oct 13, 2005
0800 - 0900 Registration, Sign - in, Mount All Posters
0900 - 1200 Project Status
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1430 Geodesy - I (Convener - D-N. Yuan)
1430 - 1500 Coffee Break
1500 - 1700 Geodesy - II (Convener - Frank Flechtner)
1830 - Evening Program

Friday, Oct 14, 2005
0800 - 0900 Poster Viewing
0900 - 1030 Variability - I (Geodynamics, Ice) (Convener - Mike Watkins)
1030 - 1100 Coffee Break
1100 - 1215 Variability - II (Hydrology) (Convener - John Wahr)
1215 - 1315 Lunch
1315 - 1500 Variability - III (Oceans) (Convener - Steve Nerem)
1500 - 1530 Meeting Summary Discussions
1530 - Open

Note: The 6 "Geodesy" posters and 10 "Variability" posters will be put up on Thursday AM, before start of meeting. Opportunities for poster viewing include the times before 0900 meeting start, at the end of the day's program, as well as all the coffee & lunch breaks.



Sessions & Abstracts

Meeting Program

Meeting Proceedings

Past Meetings

Getting to UTCSR