  Web Curator: Jianli Chen
  Last updated: June 26, 2001

(Outdated Information)


  Chao, B. F., W. P. O'Connor, A. T. C. Chang, D. K. Hall, and J. L. Foster,
        Snow-load effect on the Earth's rotation and gravitational field,
        1979-1985, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 9415-9422, 1987.

  Chao, B. F., and W. P. O'Connor, Global surface water-induced seasonal
        variations in the Earth's rotation and gravitational field,
        Geophys. J., 94, 263-270, 1988.

  Chao, B. F., Excitation of the Earth's polar motion due to mass variations
        in major hydrological reservoirs, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 13811-13819, 1988.

  Chao, B. F., and D. P. Rubincam, Variations of Mars' gravitational field and
        rotation due to seasonal CO2 exchange, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 14755-14760,

  Chao, B. F., Man, water, and sea level, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 72,
        492, 1991.

  Chao, B. F., The Geoid and Earth Rotation, in Geophysical Interpretations of Geoid,
        ed. P. Vanicek and N. Christou, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1994.

  Chao, B. F., Man-made lakes and global sea level, Nature, 370, 258, 1994.

  Chao, B. F., and R. J. Eanes, Global gravitational change due to atmospheric mass
        redistribution as observed in Lageos' nodal residual, Geophys. J. Int.
        122, 755-764, 1995.

  Chao, B. F., Anthropogenic impact on global geodynamics due to water impoundment
        in major reservoirs, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 3533-3536, 1995.

  Chen, J.L., C.R. Wilson, R.J. Eanes, and B.D. Tapley, A New Assessment of
        Long Wavelength Gravitational Variations, JGR, 2000 (in press).

  Chen, J.L., C.R. Wilson, B.F. Chao, C.K. Shum, and B.D. Tapley, Hydrologic
        and Oceanic Excitations to Polar Motion and Length-of-day Variation,
        G. J. Internat., Vol. 141, 149-156, 2000.

  Chen, J.L., C.K. Shum, C.R. Wilson, and D.P. Chambers, B.D. Tapley,
        Seasonal Sea Level Change from TOPEX/Poseidon Observation and
        Thermal Contribution, Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 73, 638-647, 2000.

  Chen, J.L., C.R. Wilson, R.J. Eanes, and B.D. Tapley, Geophysical
        Contributations to Satellite Nodal Residual Variation, JGR, Vol. 104, No. B10,
        23,237-23,244, 1999.

  Chen, J.L., C.R. Wilson, R.J. Eanes, and R.S. Nerem, Geophysical
        Interpretation of Observed Geocenter Variations, J. Geophy. Res.,
        Vol. 104, No. B2, 2683 - 2690, 1999.

  Chen, J.L., C.R. Wilson, D.P. Chambers, R.S. Nerem, and B.D. Tapley,
        Seasonal Global Global Water Mass Budget and Mean Sea Level
        Variations, Geophy. Res. Lett., VOL.25, NO.19, 3555-3558, 1998.

  Chen, J.L., The Excitation effects of water distribution on polar
        motion -- review and theory, Progress in Astronomy, Vol.11,
        No.4, 309-314, 1993.

  Dehant, V., C. R. Wilson, D. A. Salstein, B. F. Chao, R. S. Gross, Ch. LeProvost,
        and R. M. Ponte, Study of Earth's rotation and geophysical fluids progresses,
        EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 78, 357-360, 1997.

  Klosko, S. M., and B. F. Chao, The use of satellite laser ranging and long duration
        orbital changes to constrain geophysical models, in Dynamics of the Ice Age Earth:
        A Modern Perspective, ed. P. Wu, Trans Tech Pub., 533-556, 1998.

  Klosko, S. M., and B. F. Chao, Secular variations of the zonal gravity field, global
        sea level, and polar motion as geophysical constraints, Physics and Chemistry
        of the Earth, 23, 1091-1102, 1998.

  Wilson, C.R., J.L. Chen, "Discrete Polar Motion Equations for High
        Frequencies", Journal of Geodesy, Vol.70, No.9, 581-585, 1996.

  Zheng, D.W., J.L. Chen, Y.M. Hua and N.Y. Xiao, Preliminary research
        on the influence of Earth  rotation rate on latitudewards
        changes of sea level, Acta Astronomical Sinica, Vol.37, No.1,
        97-104, 1996.